Fruit is a great thing. It is one of those foods that I rarely get sick of, and I can eat almost any fruit. The great thing about fruit is that after I am done eating it, I feel good to go. I don’t feel sluggish or like my soul just got taken from me. In general, fruit is good and good for you. Except for bad fruit.
Bad fruit can be deceptive. A lot of the times it does not look like it is bad. For instance, melon generally looks good until you take a bite out of it. The important thing is being able to tell the difference, and to be able to spot the inconsistencies. For instance, bananas begin to brown. Kiwis get really wrinkly. Melons give off a vinegar smell. There are distinct signs of bad fruit.
So you might ask, “what does this have to do with your blog?” Well, Christians can be like that too! Recently, I have gotten in a few discussions with people about salvation. I am not God, nor do I claim to be his judge, but there are certain characteristics that demonstrate that Christ is alive in you and alive in others. These are the fruits of the Spirit that Paul writes about in Galatians 5: 22-23…
Love- Am I willing to do what is for others and take care of myself or am I only out for myself?
Joy- Happiness is predicated on circumstance, joy is consistent state of being happy. Can I be committed to being happy even when “sea is rough”?
Peace- can I be at harmony with myself and with others?
Patience- can I delay gratification and endure hardship?
Kindness- can I be generous and compassionate when called upon?
Goodness- will I be virtuous when called upon?
Faith- will I have confidence in what I can not see?
Gentleness- can I be mild in the face of violence?
Self-control- can I restrain my feelings and actions?
When I read this out loud, I do not do this 100% of the time. I know that the Holy Spirit is alive in me because when I am not bearing those fruits, it bothers me to no end.
If I was okay with not doing that, then we would have to be concerned. That list is found in Galatians 5:19-21. These are the works of the flesh. Many people rationalize these, but to that I ask, “what good is it doing?” “When you do these actions, how does that bless or give life to anyone?” As with most sin, it has a tendency to rob or hurt others. This is the list that is given, and as I look through it, I can not see much good that comes out of any of these actions…
Sexual Immorality
Moral Impurity
Outbursts of anger
Selfish ambitions
I wish I could say that I am free of all of those, but I have committed works of the flesh at times. Nothing that was too serious, but none the less, it interfered with my relationship with God and my relationship with others.
I would like to encourage you to pursue God fearlessly and to seek the fruits of the spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to discern the good fruit and the bad fruit in your life because in all honesty, who wants to eat bad fruit? I know that I don’t particularly enjoy it! That being said, remember that if you give too much bad fruit, no one will trust the good fruit that you give them! This is why we as Christians must be committed to become Christ like and to produce good fruit.