Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Being Patient in an Impatient World

A long time ago, I wrote a blog post about 1 Corinthians 13, and talked about the qualities of love.  The past few weeks, one of those qualities have stood out to me more than any other, and that quality is patience. 

When we look at the way in which the Greeks wrote, there was generally a hierarchy in their lists.  The back end of a list was not always important, but the first words were always the most important.  This is crucial to understanding the verse, because Paul is essentially saying that patience is one thing that you must exhibit when you love someone.

If the person were to start saying, “I am patient, I am kind, I do not envy…”, conviction comes on quick.  Most people cannot get past “patient” before they start to realize that this does not ring true.  This is not necessarily bad, it is just that the Holy Spirit is reminding the individual of a growth area.  Ultimately, this is good because if we do not know where we need to grow we will never grow.

As I am mulling over the idea of patience, I think of a few different things.  The first is that I want a grateful attitude.  I want to be able to walk through life being content with what I have and not always wanting things that I do not have.  I also do not want to be the person that throws a fit when they do not get the object of their desire right when they want it.

This is why going forward I am committing even more to be patient with life’s circumstances.  I do many of these already, but it is good to have a written reminder.  So here is a short list of things that I am going to do through my thirties:

Instead of complaining about having a low paying job or a job that does not challenge me, I am going to thank God for the income that I do have and ask him for the patience to get through these times and learn to appreciate these times when I am well off financially.

Instead of demanding God to give me a job, I am going to ask him for the patience to wait on the right positions and the resources to get through until then.

Instead of being mad that someone treated me unfairly, I am going to ask for the grace to deal with them lovingly while communicating effectively to compromise.

Instead of trying to get people to conform to my lifestyle, I will ask God for understanding with them and for opportunities to grow with them.

Instead of taking the first opportunities that comes along, I am going to weigh my options and ask for God’s guidance.

Instead of being cranky about being a single guy, I am going to enjoy my life and friendships.

Instead of demanding people to move on my time table, I am going to respect their wishes and be patient with them.

Instead of complaining about my medical problems, I am going to thank God that I am able to do as much as I can with them.

Instead of letting others rush my decisions, I am going to remember that those who rush usually have selfish motives.

Instead of getting mad at getting caught in traffic, I am going to remember that someone probably got hurt ahead of me in an accident.

Instead of wanting a brand new car like people tell me to get, I am going to be grateful that my car is in really good shape for its age and has held up very well.

Instead of rushing through my counseling degree and my PhD (when I get there) and accruing more stress and debt, I am going to take my time with it and repair my finances.

Instead of impulse buying because I want something, I am going to wait for it to go on sale.

Instead of hurrying through life, I am going to take the time to enjoy the little things.

Instead of being too busy and impatient with life, I am going to make time for friends every week.

One my favorite verses is “from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”  I say it ad nausea, but it is so true! If we are impatient people, it will show in our words.  If Paul wrote patience as the first attribute of love, this is what I am going to set out to achieve, because I want to love better.  This is why I am doing my best to pray for a patient heart, so that my mind and my words will be patient.

I am writing today because I feel that if I am to be known by our love (1 John 4) as John wrote, then it is important that I am know for my patience.  I hope that you feel the same way, and that we will strive to become more patient and loving people that can bless others as God has blessed us!

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