Thursday, February 14, 2013

Solomon on Love

Happy Valentines Day!  Funny thing, yesterday I was trying to schedule a meeting with some friends, and I asked about their availability today.  They looked at me, and said, “I am going to be honest with you, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day…” I was like, “Oh shoot!  I totally forgot!”  Yeah, I do that.  I am one of those people that totally forget about Valentines Day… at least I sent someone a card this year, that’s progress =)

Anyway, as I was thinking about messages to write, I noticed that I wrote a post two years ago that only had 6 views, so I figured no one would mind if I revamped it!  The verse that I am referencing is Songs 2:7.  In between a bunch of weird references to hair looking like a flock of goats and teeth looking like sheep, there are some really good messages in Songs of Solomon.  Messages like building up your spouse (my friend Paul did an amazing message on this, I can’t take credit for it) and being patient in love are two that come to mind.

Getting back on track, Songs 2:7 states “do not stir up love before the appropriate time.” This is what I try to pray when I am single and I meet someone new. I always start out thinking about being friends with every one instead of trying to date, and then I ask that God not allow me to stir up love until the appropriate time or at all if this person is not meant to be.  

I find that when I think impulsively on relationships, that’s when I run in and people get hurt.  I find that there is not enough time to see the person’s true character or get to know whether or not there are common interests that a relationship can build upon.  It is my fault, yes, but at the same time I know that the other person did not pray this either (both at fault).  This is why relationships should be pursued wisely.

So instead of dictating things on my timetable, I am asking for God to guard both of our hearts so that if it is not meant to be that we will not hurt one another and that I will be wise with my words and not give the wrong impression. For me, I ask to stay in sync with God’s plan because I find that when we get out of sync with God’s plan, that’s when we get hurt. When we become impatient, that’s when we are reckless and dangerous.  I have seen too many relationships explode due to this and people get hurt really bad.  So instead of stirring up love before the time, I ask for his guidance and wisdom with those that I meet.

Does this mean we just need to sit on our butts and wait for someone to fall in your life? Not at all. In order to find God’s blessings you need to get out and do something. God would have never parted the sea for the Israelites if they never left Egypt, either that or they would have never seen it. Plus, you never get to know someone if you never spend time with them. 

One of my favorite quotes is, “In order to include someone into your life, you have to have a life to speak of.”  Bottom line: get out there, do something, and be positive! 

Get out there: if you stay in your house and expect “God to bring you the one”, you will have a list of the mailman, UPS guy, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses to chose from! 

Do something: if someone were to read your life like a book, would it be worth reading?  If not, it’s a perfect time to step out and find something new that you always wanted to learn! 

Be positive: look at every opportunity as the beginning of a possible friendship, and look for the blessings in that.  If you have a negative perspective, you will eventually interpret it that way whether it is there or not.  Self-fulfilling prophecies are dangerous, flee from them!

Finally, I would like to close with one last thing about love. Those who have been in bad relationships and dirty break ups know that sometimes bad things just happen, they are not fun and no one wants them, but they happen. I would like to encourage you to continue to love even after you have been hurt.
 If you got wounded, take some time to mend, don’t run into another relationship because you feel that you have to, or that your clock is going to run out. Conversely, do not close yourself off because you could be excluding yourself and others from being loved. 

Be at peace and know that God knows the desires of your heart, and he does not want to play tricks on you. Do not lose hope, because he knows and he wants to give you those desires.  

Love is what we are meant to share with others, that is why we must keep our hearts guarded so no one can steal it. We have to love God and ourselves before we can adequately love another person, so be careful not to be too fast and get into something that you will regret later. Instead, ask the Holy Spirit to show you who to love and receive love from.

For your viewing pleasure, the Songs of Solomon Pickup Lines... please guys, don't use them... if you do, blame youtube, not me =)

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